Short: Arexx script "Lightwave to MovieShop." Author: (Francisco Vidal, Patxi / Capsule col.) Uploader: (Carlos Del Alamo, Estrayk / Capsule) Type: util/rexx Version: 1.1 This is a executable Arexx script. Their mission is connect the LightWave and Movieshop programs for make the following: - Movieshop capture scenes from LightWave. - When LightWave render an image, MovieShop capture it and make a new scene. ˇWARNING! This script, make temporal images into "Ram:t/" Each MovieShop scene can be about 1.3Mb of RAM memory. You can change the temporal destination directory here: Edit the script and replace "ram:t" by "dh1:temp" (for example) Change this one on the lines: 32, 59, 64, 73, 89, 111 and 113. For that this script runs fine, LightWave and MovieShop have to be loaded at same time, and the sequences that you want use, has that there're in the scene window. The autor of this arexx-script, would like that if you want make a new and better version from this script, can contact me by E-mail: E-Mail: Patxi / Capsule collaborator